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A New Beginning

January 2023.  Just semi retired, over weight, unfit and late middle aged.  I have relied on others to take care of my garden and have now decided that it's going to be the project to help me get fit, be creative and learn lots. I really do hope I enjoy being out there.  This evening I am starting a 4 day course at West Dean College - Designing Your Own Garden - and on completion will unleash myself on my lovely acre of garden in a Hampshire village.  It's not in bad shape but I think has huge potential and possibilities.  Why am I doing a blog? Well, recording the changes will be satisfying and perhaps interaction with other gardeners at some point will be helpful and fun.  So off I go - a journey into the unknown, a voyage of discovery, a leap into the dark and it starts today


The compost heap.  A very important place,.

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